
What are the benefits?

As well as gaining more insight into yourself, meditation helps alleviate stress related illness, anxiety and depression, meditation has been proven by scientific research to help resolve addictions, social anxiety problems, high blood pressure, fatigue, heart problems, IBS, sleepless nights and Insomnia, Migraine, PTSD, and much more. 

The links below contain scientific research which supports the effects of meditation .

Reduces Stress
Meditation is scientifically proven to help reduce stress by calming the mind and the brain activity related to stress, replacing it with natural, balanced, happy activity.

Reduces Anxiety

Studies show that the mind responds to meditation in ways that, with practice, highly reduce the onset and symptoms of anxiety and social anxiety.

Reduces Depression

Meditation helps in the reduction of rumination, which is the endless turning over of thoughts and worries on internal issues or conflicts. Increasing positivity

Increases Energy & Drive

Meditation helps create such a calm clear state of mind that the body reacts accordingly and energy levels are restored.  

Improves Sleep Problems

Poor sleep can produce a lack of energy, drive and clear thinking. Meditation calms the nervous system ready for sleep and gives the body rest.

Increases confidence

The increase in self confidence is a bi-product of meditation. This is due to the mind becoming much more at peace in itself.

Reduces Anger

By meditating regularly you can help yourself reduce the initial onset of anger by recognising its onset and reducing its effect

Reduces Migraine

Meditation works to help to reduce the stress effects on the body and in turn reduces the onset and symptoms of vestibular migraine

Reduces PTSD

Regular practice of Meditation enables post-traumatic stress disorder sufferers to reduce, or even eliminate, use of medications. 

Increases Productivity

As business competition rises, employees work hard to become productive but often end up becoming stressed and unhappy

Increases Creativity

Studies show that the brain responds to meditation in ways that may counteract the adverse effects of migraine

Increases Performance

When mental performance is overlooked, you may fall short of potential. Athletes are now using meditation as a training plan.

Reduce high blood pressure

By meditating regularly you can reduce the issues that can cause the onset of high blood pressure and related problems. Meditation can helps ensure blood flow and circulation are balanced

Improves Heart function

Research confirms that people who meditate are significantly less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Meditation works to balance the circulatory system and improve heart function

Improves relationships

Meditation may reduce stress and anger, enabling an individual to be able to correct or repair unpleasant moods quickly, reduce sweeping them under the rug. This helps maintain healthy relationships long term  
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