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In the busy city

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Transcendental Meditation 
Beginner and Advanced courses
Meditation classes in London. Transcendental Meditation Courses.
All course taught on a 1-1 basis.
Meditation Courses in London. Taught daily across the city.
Shoreditch - Stratford - Theydon Bois
Learn Meditation in London.
The meditation courses in London are held daily. Transcendental Meditation Courses help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, anger or unwanted habits and increase energy, happiness and unlocks the ability to fulfil your true potential. Meditation classes in London. All are welcome.
Learn to meditate in London today.

How it works

The meditation can reduce the minds activity towards the state of pure awareness where overburdening activity and chatter of the mind reduces and reduces.

Why it works

Effortless in practice, the meditation will help calm the mind towards a settled state, like a silent unmoving ocean floor, unaffected by the torrent waves above it.

When it works

Once learned you have the skill for life. We recommend you practice twice a day, once in the morning and once again in the evening for full benefit.  

Transcendental Meditation was brought to the west in the early 1960's. Traditionally, teachers were from a long lineage of masters of this tradition, a tradition which dates back thousands of years. The technique is highly effective and profound in its ability to change the mindset and thought processes of the individual towards one of calmness, peace and happiness. All our instructors are very experienced and highly trained to deliver great courses in this amazing technique. We hold meditation courses in London and meditaion classes in London and the surrounding counties. Contact us to learn more about how Transcendental Meditation could help you and come along to a course of meditation in London and start your journey into bliss !

Weekend course time slots : 9-11am, 10-12pm, 11-1pm, 1-3pm, 2-4pm 3-5pm or 7-9pm. Call the office on : 07934 802874
Call if you prefer to arrange a weekday time.

Oct 19th & 20th

Oct 26th & 27th

Nov 2nd & 3rd

Nov 9th & 10th
Learn to meditate in London. Learn how to help yourself reduce stress, anxiety, depression, anger or unwanted habits and increase energy, happiness and unlock the ability to fulfil your true potential.
With practice you can meditate on the tube, a bus, a train, a plane or anywhere you can sit.

Beginner Course

Perfect for all ages. Our beginner Course takes around 4 hours over two days, either in the week or at weekends. Instructed from our studios or your home.

Advanced Course

5 week course for anyone who has been meditating for at least 1 year. You will gain a deeper sense of inner knowledge and insight.

Teacher Training Course

Our 10 week course is ideal for anyone who wants to start a new career by making a living from teaching meditation and helping people gain a stress free life.

Reduced Stress 

When stress and anxiety get too much, the mind can have trouble coping. Meditation dissolves it all away.

More energy

Meditation gives such deep rest to the mind and body that you will have renewed energy, full of creativity and drive.

Peace happiness

A calmer mind will find more time to enjoy life, get better sleep and to join in on activities that bring happiness.
Transcendental Meditation an easy to learn, highly effective system and helps reduce stress and anxiety and depression and replacing it with happiness & energy. For all ages. 
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Duncan Judd

Meditation Instructor
23 years experience

Julia Leila

Meditation Instructor
15 years experience

Micha Saine

Meditation & Yoga
10 years experience
Duncan - My journey into Meditation and counselling started 23 years ago. The stress of work was challenging and I did not have the head space to be able to think about enjoying myself or living my life the way I wanted to. It was during this time that I decided to learn meditation and take counselling as a way to hopefully try and resolve this. I quickly learned and began to practice Transcendental Meditation. Discovering that not all meditation is the same, I started to practice the technique everyday.  
What started to happen was astounding and just as I had been told would happen. All of the stress and pressure I had been experiencing started to fall away. I was peaceful, productive and happy. I really felt transformed. After an intensive teacher training course with Vaishnava Swami of Rishikesh, India, I learned the entire meditation system and how to teach it to others effectively.  I knew the time was right to pass this knowledge on. 
Julia - My journey into Meditation started 15 years ago. I had been working at a marketing agency and leading work into publication production for many years and one day I discovered meditation. I saw a flyer and thought i'd give it a go. I was shocked by what it did to me. I couldn't believe that this sort of technique existed and I didn't know it. I felt instant calmness, peace and a contentment that no purchase or previous experience had given me before.
I knew after a few months that I wanted to share this and spend some real time looking into how to teach this. 
A few years later it happened and I left what seemed to me now like a pointless job that I was in. I started to look around for a school of meditation to join and I met Duncan and everything came clear and fell into place. 
The best thing I love about teaching this is how I can change someone from being a stressful person into a happy person.
Micha - I was always a spiritual person and I still love teaching yoga and the postures but I still experienced stress, worry and upset. I had heard a few years ago now that 'real' yoga was about meditation, and the stretching postures that western yoga focuses on is only a way to ensure meditators keep their body fit and prepared for meditation. I then knew that I wanted to learn more and it became clear that meditation was what could change a person, really change a person. At that moment I met Duncan and that was a second change in me and I decided to take the teacher training course and work with him rather than creating my own school. And thats it. Thats where I am.
Stress and anxiety and any doubt of confusion about life really does dissolve in the face of meditation and leaves you with a happiness and calmness that is both inexplainable and infectious. It really can change your life. 
I tell everyone; try it and you will see.  
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